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World Net Rent-A-Car
Reception hours 09:00-18:00
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We thoroughly sanitize the vehicle when cleaning|World Net Rent-A-Car

At each World Net Rent-A-Car sales office,

we thoroughly sanitize the office and rental cars.


We thoroughly disinfect and sanitize the vehicle when cleaning the vehicle

so that customers can use the rental car with peace of mind.

This time, we would like to introduce the cleaning at the Sendai Sales Office!

*Some sanitizer-related items used and installed in the Hokkaido area are different.


The steering wheel, which is always touched by the driver's hands, is carefully sanitized.

The shift lever, the navigation system screen, and front panel that passengers could touch are carefully wiped off.

*you cannot see the staff's face, but they wear a mask.


We sanitize the entire room, focusing on areas that are likely to be touched by customers, such as doorknobs.


After cleaning and sanitizing work, a cover is put on until rental to keep it clean.

※Other sales offices could be different such as Hokkaido.


Sanitizing the door handle even when renting it!

※In the picture above, they were not wearing gloves, but were careful not to touch it with their bare hands.


Also after work, they wash hands thoroughly and use hand sanitizer.

※Some sales offices have pump-type sanitizer on the counter.

The spread of corona infection is still in a situation,

so please wear a mask, wash your hands, and use alcohol sanitizer when you visit sales offices.

We look forward to seeing you soon.