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We carried out community cleanup activities|World Net Rent-A-Car

This time, we would like to report on the community cleanup activities carried out

by the staff of the Sendai Sales Office.


Many people go out during the Obon holidays.


Near the Sendai Sales Office, customers continued to board and disembark at the Sendai Ferry Terminal.


There are many cars heading to Matsushima, one of Japan's three most scenic spots. But...


Garbage dumped by someone or blown away by strong winds is scattered all over the roadside.

We can't get past this.


First of all, we started cleaning activities to keep the area clean.


After walking around the area lightly for about 15 minutes, I picked up so much garbage like this.


I think we should look around us on a regular basis and work hard to make a clean town.

※We took advice from the civil engineering office that manages the road

and the local police station and proceeded safely.