Limited Edition. The magical word that makes us open our wallets.
And you will buy Hokkaido Edition souvenirs when you come to Hokkaido.
Of course, there are countless limited edition items in Hokkaido,
but the below items are so standard to the people of Hokkaido
that I chose such an item that surprised me, "Are they really Hokkaido Limited?".
So, you can easily get it at convenience stores and supermarkets in Hokkaido!
Yakisoba Bento
It is yakisoba instant noodles that are only found up in Hokkaido.
Lightly sweetened sauce, chewy texture of noodles,
and including powder soup for cold area.
The result is what has become this long-selling, beloved product in Hokkaido.
In addition to the basic yakisoba flavor, there are so many varieties,
and there are currently 8 types on sale, including large size(130g) and double size(200g)!
(basic yakisoba is 100g)
My favorite is buttered tarako(cod roe) flavor(Upper right).
It could be good souvenirs to bring back home!
Calbee Kappa Ebisen snack, Wasabi flavor
Kappa Ebisen is a Japanese snack, shrimp flavored chips
and long-selling product that was launched in 1964.
And Yama-Wasabi(Horseradish) flavor is able to found in Hokkaido only.
It is using wasabi powder from Hokkaido,
the spiciness of wasabi enhances the flavor of shrimp.
The unique wasabi taste is best served with beer!
(It is not too spicy much!)
Ribbon NAPOLIN is a sister product of Ribbon CITRON
that is distributed nationwide and is limited to Hokkaido.
Since launched in 1911, it is a long-selling beverage that has been extremely popular in Hokkaido.
Developed according to the climate of Hokkaido, it has a strong sweetness and freshness.
Guarana Soda
This beverage is generally famous as a Brazilian drink,
interestingly it is also a beloved drink in Hokkaido.
Guarana is a carbonated drink made from guarana berry, which is rich in catechin and caffeine.
Coke has a shorter history than Guarana soda in Hokkaido,
so it is usually displayed and competed with coke.
Today there are several brands of guarana soda,
but most of them are still Hokkaido-Limited.
Soft Katsugen
Soft Katsugen, it is a yogurt drink produced by Megmilk Snow.
The taste is a strong yogurt-like sour-sweetness than general Japanese yogurt drinks.
In Japanese, 'Katsu' means winning, so it's also a drink for test takers in Hokkaido.
(As you might know, it is the same reason as eating pork cutlet
in the other region of Japan before the test. Pork cutlet is Ton Katsu in Japanese.)
In addition to the standard flavors, limited flavors and collaboration products are often sold,
so you may have some flavors that you can only get when you come to Hokkaido!
These are easy to get it at any supermarket or convenience store in Hokkaido,
give it a try in Hokkaido.