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World Net Rent-A-Car
Reception hours 09:00-18:00
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Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

World Net Co., Ltd. is deeply aware of the importance of protecting customers' personal information, and has therefore established a basic policy for the protection of personal information which it follows in order to ensure the safety of our customers' information.

1. Collection of Personal Information

(1)World Net Rent-a-Car only collects personal information from customers via appropriate and fair means, clearly stating the purpose when doing so.
(2) In order to create a lending certificate upon agreement and other procedures required by law to a car rental business
(3) In order to provide car rental services, car leasing, used car sales, auto repairs, and inspection insurance products to our customers
(4) In order to promote, via mail or e-mail, other products and services, events and campaigns from our company to our customers
(5) To confirm the identity of our customers
(6) In order to create statistical data which is collected and analyzed in such a way that individuals cannot be identified

2. Provision of personal information to third parties

(1) World Net Co., Ltd. will not provide or disclose personal information without the owner's consent.
However, in the following cases, we may offer and disclose personal data without the customer's consent.
(2) When required by laws or regulations
(3) When doing so is necessary to protect human life or property and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
(4) When doing so is necessary to protect public health or children education, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
(5) When a government organization, local authority organization, or an entity entitled by them requires this information to carry out their objectives, and obtaining the customer's consent would hinder them

3. Basic policy on the safe management of personal data

(1) World Net Co., Ltd. takes appropriate safety measures to prevent the loss, tampering, and leakage of personal information.

4. Organization and system for the protection of personal information

(1) The company appoints a personal information protection officer to be responsible for the management of personal information in the whole company. This officer instructs and trains employees and managers about the proper management and protection of personal information, further being responsible for the use of personal information within everyday operations.

5. Development, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of compliance programs (personal information protection systems)

(1) Our company complies with the relevant laws and regulations and other norms for the protection of personal information.
(2) Our company will respond as soon as possible to inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.
Furthermore, in order to implement the personal information protection policy, we have created a compliance program and continuously strive to improve the policies for the handling and management of personal information by reviewing the relevant rules.

6. Protection of personal information when using the website

(1) World Net Co., Ltd. website adopts the SSL encryption protocol, the standard for the protection of personal information on the internet.

7. Continuous improvements to the basic policy

(1) World Net Co., Ltd. is continuously reviewing and improving its basic policy for the handling of personal information.