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In order to drive safely in winter|World Net Rent-A-Car

It has passed half of January,

there was National Center Test for University Admissions in Japan last week

It's time to do the best for candidates

And It is heavily snowing same as usual years in Hokkaido⛄🌨

Local people who are living in Hokkaido are worried about snow removal works

when the day after heavy snow...💦

but a lot of tourists are coming for enjoying that snow from in and out of Japan✈

What do you have a plan to make memories in Hokkaido・・・?


I tried to smelt fishing last week🐟🐟

It was a activity in a warm tent, with stove and chairs,

there were many family groups with children!


And it had made crispy fried smelt fishes like this!🍤🍤

It was so fresh and delicious~


There are so many things to enjoy in winter Hokkaido,

but also so many peoples are worried about driving snow roads


Of course, it is dangerous to drive or speed up just like in summer💦💦



★Always drive with great care and with possible dangers in mind

Drive safely・sufficient distance between carscheck traffic conditions 

As you follow above 3 rules,

you can enjoy driving even winter Hokkaido😊

Hokkaido is very wide, and much snow,

so it's very important to make plans with having enough time.

Also, you should not be a 【sudden】 act such as

sudden braking, sudden start and sudden turning⚠

・Snow roads are slippery

【Pressed snow road】is literally road

which has been solidified with snow settled up and trampled on.

Snow tires which are used in winter Hokkaido are just for this road, and they work.

but it is winter road, so drive safely!

Also, must be followed above 3 things that

Drive safely・sufficient distance between cars・check traffic conditions

even equipped studless tires.

Besides,【Black ice】is looked like wet road,

but actually it is most slippery road because surface is iced⛸⛸

Even equipped studless tires, it does not mean the car will not slip at all.

So please drive safely🚙💨


・Check traffic conditions before departure

Traffic restrictions sometimes occur on expressways or on public roads in winter Hokkaido.

Especially, if you have a plan to use expressway,

please check traffic conditions before departure.

・Can be buried

In some cases it couldn't be came out when you go to deep snowed place.

Please use wide roads expected removed snow,

and drive where there left tracks of cars.


The snowstorm sometimes makes the road white and it hard to see the direction☁☁

In some cases, snow dust caused by trucks driving in the opposite direction

may cause lose sight for a moment.

Please get down speed and drive safely.


・Snowed car roof

Please clean car roof which was snowed during at night before departure☃☃

When driving, it could be disturbed your sight because of falling snow from the roof.


・Stand windshield wipers when a car parked

It couldn't be available because it has frozen and stuck at windshield

if you leave wet windshield wipers❄❄

You can prevent it when standing windshield wipers during night.

・Take measures against glare caused by backlighting

The sun reflected in the white snow is very dazzling☀☀

🕶It would be more helpful if you prepare sunglasses for driving…?


For enjoying in winter Hokkaido where is having a lot of activities,

Why don't you make a plan of safely driving

with comfortable and clean vehicles of World Net Rent-A-Car??