It is late than usual years…
But finally, it snowed first snow in Sapporo
And it is the beginning of the long winter season…
In winter, there may be roads where traffic restrictions apply,
so please check the roads where you could use before your departure
Northern Road Navi
The roads in Sapporo are not covered by snow yet, so some people may drive at high speeds,
but in this season, please be careful about「Black Ice」
What is Black Ice?
It is what the surface of the asphalt is covered with ice,
and the asphalt can be seen through transparently.
Because it occurs under the condition that the ground is wet due to rain or the temperature is very low,
please keep safe driving even if it is not snowing
Especially it causes daybreak in winter, entrance and exit of tunnels, and road on the bridge easily.
Also even if there is no snow or rain, it can occur even in humid areas such as ponds,
coastal roads, nearby the lake, shaded areas, and where has a big difference in temperature.
Why is black ice dangerous?
Because it is difficult to control the steering wheel and
it likely to be big trouble with other cars.
It just seems to be wet, but it is the same as icy roads.
The black ice is very dangerous
especially in November when the temperature is very low, but snow hasn't piled yet,
also in March to April when snow begins to melt.
All vehicles in World Net Rent-A-Car have already fitted snow tires,
but in an environment where black ice is likely to occur,
please drive more slowly than usual and keep the distance between cars sufficiently wide.
Also, don't be operating sudden brakes or sharp turn
because it increases the risk of an accident
The accident on Icy road can happen to anyone
even with much experience of driving, no matter how many equipments equipped!
Please remember the knowledge and precautions of Black Ice in Hokkaido,
where will get colder from now on, and drive carefully even when it is not snowing